Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What a Morning!

And, it really hasn't even begun! First of all, who the heck honestly is ready to get up and out of bed at 6:30am? Surely not me! Those cheery morning people can kiss my butt! Sorry, but after becoming a mom, and newly working, you just wanna sleep in! However, Madison has to get up and off to school, so you go with the flow and accomplish what you have to. Now, see, most mornings (pre-working days) I would get her on the bus, and crawl back in bed (If Hunter is still sleeping), and sleep blissfully until he would wake up. Now, it is almost impossible to accomplish this.

So, this morning, being no different, I awoke to the sounds of the garbage man noisily entering my driveway, making my yippy miniature dachshund bark like mad (she is neurotic, and will bark at anything possible). Thank you, garbage man for waking me up 20 minutes early! Fortunately (or unfortunately) I fall back to sleep, only to be woken up by the lovely sounds of my alarm clock at 6:30. Okay lean over, click the slider into place, and lay back. Ahhh...the joys of bed. Even with my 2 1/2 year old son kicking me in the back it is heaven! Yes, my son has a great habit, as of late, of coming into my bedroom at about 4-6am and wanting snuggles. This I have no energy to fight yet, so in he goes.

I finally crawl out of bed about 6:45. I already have the kids clothes set out (hey, I don't procrastinate everything!), so I go get Maddy out of bed (meanwhile Hunter is still in blissfull unawareness). Alright, let the dog out, get things set for the day. She is supposed to go the bathroom, wash her hands and brush her teeth. How long do you suppose it should take an almost 6 year old to accomplish this feat? I'd say 5-10 minutes TOPS for all of it. So, I hop on facebook while she is in there. 15 minutes later, after me tellng her to hurry up, she is still in there. I go to check on her, and she has ONLY used the toilet. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! The bus is minutes away from coming, and this child isn't even dressed yet! I give her 2 minutes to complete. She comes running out, we dress, do a quick ponytail (which you know will fall out by the time she gets there), and get her out to put boots, hat, etc on. In the middle of packing her bookbag, the bus pulls up! UGH! I quickly open the door so the driver knows she is coming, otherwise they just leave. Throw her bookbag onto her back and kiss her goodbye.

Now, I have 15 minutes left here to relax before I go hop in the shower to start MY day. Funny how all this mornings trials are for a Kindergartener to get to school on time...what we do for our kids! No back to sleep for me this morning. I will be working from 9-5, which of course means that I will shower at 7:45, dress, hair, etc then wake up monster boy to get ready for daycare. Although, this only consists of dressing him, and making sure he gets breakfast. Only. HA! He is 2 1/2...need I say more? I go.

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