Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starting a New Adventure

So, I thought I would start a blog about my life as a mom. Let me just say, some days are harder then others. I think all of us moms can sympathize with each others conundrums. Once we become moms, life as we knew it previously all but ceases. Sure, we have the same friends, family, job, likes and dislikes, but seriously, ALL of our time is devoted and focused on our children. We may not spend as much time with those friends or family. We may quit our job, change careers, or become stay at home moms. We may like the same things, but focus on what our children like, and learn to like what they do. For example, I have become very accustomed to my children controlling the television. I don't think I have watched an adult program on the TV for some time now. We also learn to eat vegetables that we hate (because it is good for our kids, and we want them to learn to like them), or sing kids songs that get stuck in our heads for hours, or days upon end. Our life as we previously knew it, has changed.

But, look what we have recieved! A beautiful package of giggles and joy, cherub faces and chubby hands. Of course, let's not overlook all the poop and vomit...have you ever had to catch vomit in your hands to avoid it getting on the floor or something else? Seriously...this has happened to me many times, and I have become a pro! Also, have you ever been handed poop by your 2 1/2 year old, who is potty training? Let's not forget late nights, teething, potty training and wanting to fall asleep so badly that you put the baby in bed with you, just to get some sleep! However, has there ever been anything better than being called "mom?" I was in love the moment I knew I was pregnant with both of my children.

I have been very blessed to be the mom of a gorgeous little girl, who is full of spirit and is one minute a princess and the next, a rock star. Madison has lit up my life with her smiles, her quirks and her irreplaceable personality. Hunter, my little boy, is the king of the climbers, lord of the technology age, and has the hugest, roundest eyes you have ever seen. Both of my children are my life, and I now live for them.

I hope you enjoy my daily (or weekly, it's gonna depend on life!) blogs about my trials and tribulations. This is gonna get interesting, I am sure. There will be TMI moments...and tearful moments, but I am hoping the happy moments outweigh them all. God has blessed me greatly.

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